Rue Félix Lefèvre, 30 6900 Marche-en-Famenne
Rue Félix Lefèvre, 30 6900 Marche-en-Famenne

Ads Electric, serving agricultural, industrial and agri-food companies


Electrical and automated systems for companies in four main sectors

Farms and agricultural businesses

For a farmer or agricultural entrepreneur, productivity and profitability are essential. At Ads Electric, we understand this. In fact, these concepts are at the heart of our objectives when we take charge of an agricultural project and set up an automated system on a farm or agricultural business.

Agri-food companies

The agri-food industry has its share of requirements that you just can’t ignore, and standards that you have to be able to meet. And the team at Ads Electric knows all about the sector. It also knows the importance of having electrical and automated systems that guarantee the efficiency of the activity, whether in terms of transport, ventilation, lighting or heating, etc.

Industrial companies

The industry holds no secrets for Ads Electric. It’s a competitive sector where there’s little room for error. For years now, we have been helping manufacturers to optimise their activities, make their jobs easier, increase their production and enable them to live up to their ambitions; and all this by installing efficient electrical and automation systems.